Herman Miller, Inc.
Herman Miller started life as Star furniture Co. in Zeeland, Michigan in 1905 a producer of high-quality furniture. Becoming Michigan Star Furniture Co in 1919, and then in 1923, when long time employee Dirk Jan De Pree and his father-in-law purchased 51% of the company stock, it was renamed Herman Miller Furniture Company. And remained so until the 1960s when it became Herman Miller, Inc. Until the 1930s they produced only traditional wood furniture, but the Great Depression caused a need for change and they hired modernist Gilbert Rohde who took the company in a new successful direction. Upon Rohde’s death in 1944 he was replaced by none other than the renowned George Nelson. Working with the likes of not only Charles and Ray Eames but Isamu Noguchi, Alexander Girard, and Robert Propst, to name just a few, Nelson lead Herman Miller to became one of the finest names in furniture and design.
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